Mythological Unit

List of Characters in the Movie:
(Briefly describe each in a creative epithet)

The Gods/The Immortals:

1.     Zeus

2.     Hera

3.     Aphrodite

4.     Poseidon

5.     Thetis

6.     Athena

7.     Hephaestus

The Mortals:

1.     Perseus

2.     Andromeda

3.     Danae

4.     Acrisus

5.     Thallos

6.     Ammon

7.     Calisbos

8.     Cassiopeia

9.     Stygian Witches


The Mythologicals:

1.     Bobo

2.     Kraken

3.     Charon

4.     Dioskilos

5.     Vulture

6.     Medusa

7.     Pegasus

Study Guide Questions
Questions are in Chronological Order- Keep Up!

1.     Who are the people in the box? Why are they there? (Be specific).

2.     What is Poseidon ordered to do?

3.     Where is Perseus?

4.     Who is Calisbos? His Mother? His ex-girlfriend? Why is he in trouble? What is his punishment?


5.     Someone is angry. She says, “My priests are loyal…” Who is it and why?


6.     What is the last wish of Perseus’ mother?


7.     Perseus is dropped into the amphitheatre and meets Ammon. What gifts does he receive and what do they do?


8.     What is the comic relief provided by the goddesses?


9.     What is Zeus’ charge to Perseus?


10.List three events that Perseus sees in the town that fascinate him.


11.Why is the man burned at the stake?


12.How does one love Andromeda?


13.What is the riddle?


14.How does Perseus get into the bedroom? What does he see?


15.How does Perseus catch Pegasus?


16.What is different about the vulture’s second visit?


17.What does Calisbos give Andromeda? What does she ask of him?


18.Who fights? What are the results?


19.What is the answer to the riddle?


20.Describe the happy engagement festivities.


21.What is Calisbos’s prayer? What is his answer?


22.What must Cassiopeia do to rid her country of the curse?


23.The Stygian wishes snack on _________ and share_________.


24.Who is BoBo (junior)?


25.How may a mortal man face and conquer the Cracken?


26.Who was Medusa? Why was she cursed?


27.What power does the eye give Perseus?


28.What river must they cross? Why do they need money? Who is the ferryman?


29.Describe Medusa’s dog.


30.What does Perseus lose in the fight with Medusa?


31.What words to we hear again as a result of the victory?


32.Where do the scorpions come from?


33.How is Calisbos finally defeated?


34.Who is lost and found?


35.Where has Pegasus been?


36.What orders does Zeus reluctantly give?


37.How does Perseus finally win?


38.What does Zeus forbid forever more?


39.What does Ammon plan to do to remember these events?



1.      The movie opens with the fog setting in and the soldiers solemnly marching. How is this imagery effective in setting the mood of the movie?

2.      We see a bird’s eye view of the land and the water as the movie begins. Why is this view effective as a symbol?

3.      The gods literally “play” with the mortals dolls. What can we infer about the feelings of the gods and their powers?

4.      We watch the dust slip through the god’s fingers. Write a four-line poem describing this scene. Use a metaphor or a simile.

5.      Calisbos’ penalty for his crime seems particularly harsh. What contributing factors led to his sentence?

6.      Design a catalog description in which you attempt to market and sell Perseus’ helmet, sword, and shield.

7.      Zeus charges Perseus to “find and fulfill your destiny.” Why is this an example of a theme statement?

8.      Why is Perseus’ flight aboard Pegasus ironic?

9.      The music and the setting provide much of the transition from mood to mood. Design a memo to the musical director from the prop/set designer. Describe a particular scene and suggest particular types or titles of music that you think would “work.”

10.   What is symbolic about Andromeda’s clothing as she prepares to be sacrificed?

11.   The six themes generally taught through mythology are all examined within this movie. Briefly describe how each is represented.

12.   Using the notes on the Greek hero, list the heroic characteristics that Perseus possesses.

13.   Using your own opinions, define a hero in modern society.

14.   How does the Greek definition differ with your definition?

15.   Who are today’s heroes in the field of science? Politics? Sports? Entertainment? Pick one and describe why he/she is a hero?

16.   Greek allusions dominate our culture. Many of the gods, mortals, and mythological are already used in common allusions. Pick three lesser known characters from the movie and create appropriate allusions matching their descriptions.

17.   Using handouts, notes, and a recollection of the DVD, design a 30 question test. You must attach a key, use a variety of questioning, and type your test. You may work with a partner on this question only.